Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the IBIX factory.

Export of Products

Export of IBIX products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All IBIX products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant IBIX: sandblasting machines, sandblasting chambers, electric compressors, motor compressors, electric dehumidifiers, machines for filling joints, surface treatment, abrasive materials, accessories
  • Mobile station IBIX
    Mobile station
    Ecobix et al.
  • Removing chewing gum IBIX
    Removing chewing gum
    Gum-System, etc.
  • Surface treatment IBIX
    Surface treatment
    Hercules, Spartacus, etc.
  • Sandblasting machines IBIX
    Sandblasting machines
    IBIX 9, IBIX 25, IBIX 40, etc.
  • Accessories IBIX
    Power Cap, Recovery Unit R1, etc.
  • Abrasive materials IBIX
    Abrasive materials
  • Sand-shot blasting chambers IBIX
    Sand-shot blasting chambers
    IBS 100, IBS 150, etc.
  • Electric compressors IBIX
    Electric compressors
    IB2, E90, IB2000, etc.
  • Motorcycle compressors IBIX
    Motorcycle compressors
    IB2 Trolley, A90, VRK 200, etc.
  • Electric dehumidifiers IBIX
    Electric dehumidifiers
    AMD 6, AMD 18, etc.
  • Machines for filling seams IBIX
    Machines for filling seams
    P 60, P 80, P 100, etc.


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